Irish National Lottery Email

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  1. Irish Lottery Scams is not a lottery operator. The content and operations of this website have not been approved or endorsed by Premier Lotteries Ireland Limited, the Regulator of the National Lottery nor the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. The Irish National Lottery is drawn twice a week on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which gives you two chances every week to be a winner. So Many Ways To Play Irish National Lottery! Whether you choose Quick Pick or Manual, you’ll have a wealth of winning opportunities at your fingertips with the Irish National Lottery.

It is not possible to win a lottery without entering it. Anybody who is told they have won a prize in a game they didn’t play should not reply to messages and, most importantly, should NEVER send money or personal information to someone who has contacted them unexpectedly. Unfortunately, fraudsters continue to operate and come up with new ways to try and deceive members of the public, so it is important to always remain vigilant.

How scams work

Lottery scams can come in a variety of different forms, whether it is email, post, phone, text or even social media. The most common trick is to tell the recipient they have won a prize, with the fraudster claiming to represent a lottery organisation. The scammer will then attempt to extract money or private details, perhaps by requesting an ‘advance fee’ or an ‘administration charge’ before their winnings can be released. A legitimate lottery would never ask a winner to pay a fee before they can receive their prize, while taxes on lottery winnings around the world are paid to the relevant government and not the lottery itself.

Another method used by some scammers is to pretend to be a previous lottery winner who wants to share their money. The scam here is to ask for someone’s bank details and promise to make a payment, but actually they will use the personal information to their own advantage.

How to avoid scams

  • You cannot win a lottery, raffle or any other competition if you have not entered it.
  • To win a lottery, you must buy a ticket for the draw in question and match the winning numbers.
  • Official lotteries do not randomly select email addresses or mobile phone numbers to win prizes.
  • You would never be approached by a legitimate lottery to claim a prize. You may be notified of a win and advised to check your emails, but it would always be up to you to contact the lottery company to claim any prizes you are due.
  • A legitimate lottery would never ask for an advance payment before winnings can be released.

Spotting a scam

A number of lottery scams look professional and are well-written, but there will still be signs that the communication you received is fake. These may include:

  • The correspondence is not directed to you personally, and instead makes a vague reference such as ‘Dear Winner’.
  • While the message will claim to be from a legitimate lottery, the email address used will be completely different and may be sent from a free webmail address such as
  • A strict time limit may be included to claim the prize, in order to put pressure on the recipient to act quickly before they can investigate the validity of the message. There may also be a confidentiality clause, in an attempt to prevent the respondent from seeking advice from third parties.

What to do if you are targeted

If you receive a message from a scammer, then you are advised not to respond. You should not disclose any personal or financial information, and never send any money. If you receive a suspicious email, you should not open any links it contains.

Irish National Lottery Email Login

You can report scams to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. The contact number for queries between 9am and 6pm on Mondays to Fridays is (01) 402 5555.

If you have already responded to someone you suspect is a scammer, or sent money, you should inform your bank and the police immediately.

Lottery scams are common around the world and Ireland is no exception. These scams all have the same aim – to illegally extract money and personal information from unwitting targets. There are, however, many ways to protect yourself against such scams and once armed with the correct information you will find them much easier to spot.

Stay Alert

If there's one thing to remember, it's that you cannot win a prize in a lottery that you did not enter. If you receive a notification informing that you have won a prize in a game you did not play, it is a scam.

Irish National Lottery Email

How Irish Lottery Scams Work

Lottery scams come in different forms but the most common type will tell you that you’ve won a big lottery prize and that you need to provide some personal details and pay a fee to claim it. The senders of these scams will usually claim to be representatives of genuine lotteries, such as EuroMillions or Irish Lotto.

You will often be asked to send a fee to cover administration or taxes on the ‘prize’ before it can be transferred to you, which is a sure sign it is a scam. Irish lottery players do not pay taxes on lottery winnings and no official lottery requires winners to fund the administrative costs of their own payout. Other victims could have their personal and banking information requested, putting them at risk of identity fraud.

How to Spot a Lottery Scam

Fortunately, there are a few ways to identify a lottery scam. If you receive a prize notification look for the following characteristics:

  • The message is not addressed to you by name but starts with a vague salutation, such as “Dear Winner.”
  • The email is not sent from an official account. Scams are often sent from free mail services such as Gmail or Hotmail.
  • The message contains poor spelling, grammar and syntax.
  • Logos may be skewed and stretched, and letters may be printed using badly photocopied letterheads.
  • The scammer requires you to respond within a short period of time and requests you do not tell anyone else about it. This is to stop you seeking advice from others who may spot the scam.
  • You are asked to keep the win a secret. Legitimate lottery providers would never ask you to do this, but scammers make this request – usually ‘for security’ – to ensure no one else spots the scam for what it is.
  • You might be asked to phone a premium phone line to claim your award. You can recognise these numbers as they all begin with 15 in Ireland.

You should not, however, trust a message just because it does not include any of these signs. If you don’t know or trust the sender don’t disclose any personal details and don’t pay any fees. Seek out the official lottery operator to find out if the message is genuine.

Phone scams are also common and in those cases the above points may not apply. If you are ever contacted by telephone to be told that you have won a lottery prize, be extremely cautious. If the caller pressures you into disclosing personal information or paying to receive your prize money, it is almost certainly a scam.

The best thing to do is hang up the phone and find the contact details of the lottery provider the call supposedly originated from. Do not under any circumstances give away personal details, bank details, or pay a fee over the telephone unless you are 100 percent sure you know who’s on the other end of the line.

Lotto Results Ireland

What to Do if You Have Been Targeted

Real lotteries do not contact you out of the blue to inform you of prizes you have won in games that you haven’t entered. If you do receive a message informing you of a prize in this manner, do not give out banking or credit card details to third parties and avoid providing personal information that would make it easy for them to steal your identity.

Report the scam to the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission, which can be contacted on (01) 402 5555 between 9:00am and 6:00pm Monday to Friday.

Irish National Lottery Email Scam

If you have already disclosed banking or other financial information, or you have already paid a fee to the scammer, immediately inform your bank and the Gardaí, who will be able to advise you on the next steps to take.